When you order a logo from CustomBusinessLogos.com, we use our experience, skill, creativity, research expertise and all of our resources to create the Ultimate logo for your business. In the future we do not forget about you. If you need more formats sent to you down the road....WE SEND THEM. No extra charges are required. When you order logos or Graphic Design from CustomBusinessLogos.com you are considered a permanent client. Anything you may need in the future is part of the initial design fee you pay from the beginning.
Many logo design firms get your business, create your logo and then forget about you...Thats just not the case with our logo design firm. CustomBusinessLogos.com keeps every design on file for life for easy retrieval and will be resent to a client when needed.
THE BOTTOM LINE IS THIS......if you EVER need any other file formats, a new cd replacement, your logos resent to you by email, help with your logo, tech support or anything at all...WE WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. We believe that a professional logo design company should provide services for their clients no matter how much time has gone by since they initially used our design service.
Please know this, if you are torn on which logo design company to choose....Custom Business Logos stands out from the rest by providing low prices, one time fees, no hidden charges, superior customer service and original creative and well designed logos. We understand that your business has other things to worry about, that's why we have created the ULTIMATE solution for busy businesses needing professional logo design services and courteous friendly customer service.